Salmon boasts a high protein content, with around 22-25 grams per 100 grams of serving. Protein keeps you feeling fuller for longer, reducing cravings and potential overeating.

Despite its richness, salmon is relatively low in calories. A typical serving falls between 180-200 calories, making it a calorie-conscious choice for weight management.

Studies suggest protein in salmon may slightly increase your metabolic rate after eating compared to other foods, burning more calories overall.

Salmon is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, considered "healthy fats." These fats may promote satiety and potentially reduce belly fat, although more research is needed.

Protein in salmon helps build and maintain muscle mass. Muscle burns more calories than fat, even at rest, contributing to weight loss efforts.

Some studies suggest Omega-3s in salmon may influence hormones that regulate appetite, potentially leading to decreased calorie intake.

Chronic inflammation can hinder weight loss. Salmon's Omega-3s have anti-inflammatory properties, potentially aiding weight management.

Salmon offers versatility in cooking. You can bake, grill, poach, or steam it, allowing for healthy and flavorful meal options within a weight loss plan.

Salmon is packed with essential vitamins and minerals like Vitamin D, B vitamins, and selenium, contributing to overall health during weight loss.

Choose wild-caught salmon whenever possible for a more environmentally friendly and potentially more nutrient-dense choice.

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