Hummus is a decent wellspring of protein, which assists you with feeling more full for longer and may lessen desires.

Hummus is likewise a decent wellspring of fiber, which assists with processing and can additionally advance satiety.

Contrasted with different plunges like mayo or farm, hummus is by and large lower in calories.

Matching hummus with veggie sticks like carrots or celery considers careful crunching and segment control. 

Hummus contains solid fats from tahini and olive oil, which can keep you fulfilled and help supplement ingestion.

The fiber and protein in hummus might assist with controlling glucose levels, lessening energy accidents and desires.

While hummus is nutritious, be aware of part measures, as it very well may be calorie-thick.

Locally acquired hummus assortments can have added sugars or fats, so actually look at the mark for fixings. 

 To consider making your own hummus to control fixings and part measures.

Counsel an enrolled dietitian for customized exhortation on integrating hummus into your weight reduction plan.

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