Creatine itself does not directly burn fat.

Creatine may help with weight loss by improving exercise performance. This can lead to a higher calorie burn during workouts.

Creatine can help you maintain muscle mass during a calorie deficit, which can also boost metabolism and help with weight loss.

Some research suggests that creatine may help to reduce the accumulation of fat in the body.

Other research has shown mixed results, with some studies finding no benefit of creatine for weight loss.

Creatine may cause water retention, which can lead to a slight increase on the scale. This is not fat gain, but it can be discouraging.

Creatine is generally safe for healthy adults when taken in recommended doses.

It is always best to consult with a doctor before starting any new supplement, including creatine.

If you are considering taking creatine for weight loss, it is important to combine it with a healthy diet and exercise program.

Creatine is not a magic bullet for weight loss, but it may be a helpful tool for some people.

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