Blood Type O Positive Diet Food List: Optimize Your Health with the Right Foods

Hello, health fans I am Akshay Bhardwaj, and I’m tied in with biohacking my way to a more joyful, better me. Today, I need to dive into the entrancing universe of blood classification eats less carbs, clearly zeroing in on the wholesome necessities of us blood classification O up-sides.

For quite a long time the idea of fitting your eating routine to your blood classification has burnt interest. Spearheaded by Dr. Peter J. D’Adamo in his book “Eat Right 4 Your Sort,” this approach suggests a connection between blood classification and how your body responds to specific food varieties.

Presently, before you fall recklessly into a prohibitive eating routine arrangement, we should address the science. While the exploration on blood classification counts calories is continuous and not all around acknowledged, many individuals, myself included, have seen positive outcomes by adjusting their food decisions to their blood classification.

Blood Type O Positive Diet Food List PDF – Thus, on the off chance that you are a blood classification O positive like me and keen on investigating this methodology, you’re perfectly located! Today, I am sharing an exhaustive blood classification O positive eating routine food rundown to direct you on your wellbeing process.

But first, here’s a quick rundown on the characteristics of a blood type O positive body:

• The Tracker Finders: Blood classification O is accepted to be the most seasoned blood classification, connected to our farming pioneers. This means a stomach related framework appropriate for handling meat and protein.

• Solid Safe Framework: Type operating system glory a dynamic untouchable framework, making them productive at fending off impurities. They likewise will quite often have high stomach corrosive levels, supporting processing.

• Expected Difficulties: While solid in general, type O bodies can in some cases battle with irritation and glucose guideline.

Also Read: Conquer Cravings & Blood Sugar: 14 Day Insulin Resistance Meal Plan PDF .

The Blood Type O Positive Diet Food List PDF : Your Guide to Optimal Fuel

Presently, we should get to the great stuff – the food! This rundown sorts helpful, unbiased, and food varieties to stay away from in light of Dr. D’Adamo’s proposals. Keep in mind, this is an aide, and counseling a medical care talented or enlisted dietitian previous to rolling out excellent improvements to your diet is in every case best.


  • Highly Beneficial: Beef (regular, ground), buffalo, lamb, liver, mutton, organ meats, venison. These protein sources provide essential nutrients to support your strong immune system and metabolism.
  • Neutral: Chicken, Cornish hens, duck, partridge, pheasant, rabbit, turkey. While not quite as beneficial as red meat, these poultry options can still be part of a balanced diet for type Os.
  • Avoid: Bacon, goose, ham, pork. These meats can potentially trigger inflammation in type O bodies.


  • Highly Beneficial: Bluefish, cod, flounder, hake, halibut, herring, mackerel, pike, rainbow trout, red snapper, salmon, sardines, shad, snapper, sole, striped bass, sturgeon, swordfish (limit intake), tilefish, white perch, whitefish, yellow perch, yellowtail. Seafood is a fantastic source of protein, healthy fats, and essential minerals for type Os.
  • Neutral: Abalone, anchovy, beluga, barracuda, carp, caviar, clam, conch, crab, eel, octopus, scallops, shrimp, silver perch, smelt, squid (calamari), weakfish. These options can be consumed in moderation.
  • Avoid: Barracuda, catfish (can be inflammatory for some), sea bass (can be inflammatory for some).

Fats and Oils:

  • Highly Beneficial: Linseed (flaxseed) oil, olive oil. These healthy fats provide essential fatty acids and support a healthy inflammatory response.
  • Neutral: Canola oil, sesame oil. Use these oils sparingly for cooking.
  • Avoid: Hydrogenated oils, processed vegetable oils. These can contribute to inflammation.

Nuts and Seeds:

  • Highly Beneficial: Pumpkin seeds, walnuts. These provide healthy fats, protein, and fiber, all beneficial for type Os.
  • Neutral: Almonds, almond butter, chestnuts, filberts (hazelnuts). Enjoy these in moderation.

Beans and Legumes:

  • Highly Beneficial: Aduki beans, pinto beans. These legumes are a great source of plant-based protein and fiber, supporting digestion and gut health.
  • Neutral: Black-eyed peas, black beans, broad beans, cannellini beans, fava beans. These can be included in moderation as part of a balanced diet.


  • None: Dr. D’Adamo suggests that grains can be challenging for type O bodies to digest.

Blood Type O Positive Diet Food List : Exploring Grains, Dairy, and More


  • None (Highly Beneficial): Dr. D’Adamo suggests that grains can be difficult for type O bodies to digest due to the presence of lectins, which can agglutinate (clump) red blood cells. This can potentially lead to digestive issues and irritation. However, some individuals with blood type O find success including certain grains in moderation.
  • Neutral: If you tolerate them well, these grains can be included in small amounts:
    • Amaranth: This ancient grain is a complete protein source and high in fiber.
    • Buckwheat: Another good source of protein and fiber, buckwheat is technically a fruit seed, not a true grain.
    • Quinoa: A complete protein powerhouse, quinoa is also rich in fiber and essential minerals.


  • Highly Beneficial: Fermented dairy products like kefir, yogurt and some cheeses (feta, goat cheese, mozzarella, soy cheese) are generally well-tolerated by type Os. These options provide probiotics that support gut health and may reduce inflammation.
  • Neutral: Small amounts of hard cheeses (cheddar, Swiss) or full-fat milk can be consumed irregularly, but some type Os may experience digestive discomfort.
  • Avoid: Cow’s milk (can be inflammatory for some), processed cheeses, ice cream (high in sugar and dairy).


  • Highly Beneficial: Load up on these veggies! They’re packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber that support your overall health and digestion.
    • Cruciferous vegetables: broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, kale
    • Dark leafy greens: collard greens, kale, spinach, Swiss chard
    • Sea vegetables: kelp, wakame
    • Other beneficial choices: asparagus, beets, bell peppers, celery, cucumbers, onions, sweet potatoes (limit intake)


  • Highly Beneficial: Focus on low-glycemic fruits that won’t spike your blood sugar.
    • Berries: blueberries, cranberries, raspberries, strawberries
    • Melons: cantaloupe, honeydew
    • Apples, pears
  • Neutral: These fruits can be enjoyed in moderation.
    • Citrus fruits: grapefruit, oranges
    • Tropical fruits: kiwi, papaya, pineapple (limit intake due to higher sugar content)


  • Highly Beneficial: Opt for natural, unprocessed condiments to enhance your meals.
    • Apple cider vinegar
    • Herbs and spices: basil, black pepper, cayenne pepper, cinnamon (good for blood sugar control), cumin, ginger (anti-inflammatory), oregano, turmeric (anti-inflammatory)
    • Sea salt (in moderation)
  • Avoid: Sugary sauces, processed dressings, commercially prepared marinades (often high in sugar, sodium, and unhealthy fats).

Blood Type O Positive Diet Food List PDF


This is an aide, and individual flexibility might change. Try and see how your body responds to various food sources. Segment control is crucial. Indeed, even advantageous food varieties can be delaying whenever devoured in excess.

Drink a lot of water over the course of the day for ideal processing and in general wellbeing. Consider counseling an enlisted dietitian to customize your blood classification O positive eating regimen plan in view of your particular requirements and objectives.

The blood classification O positive eating regimen plan is a system, not an inflexible arrangement of rules. By focusing on helpful food varieties, restricting challenging activates, and paying attention to your body, you can set out on a health venture custom-made to your remarkable blood classification.

Keep in mind, a sound way of life that combines standard activity, stress the board, and suitable rest is critical for by and large prosperity.

So, fellow blood type O positives, let’s leverage this knowledge to fuel our bodies for optimal health and vitality!

What Fruit is Good for O Positive?

Low-glycemic fruits are ideal for blood type O Positive as they won’t spike blood sugar levels. Excellent choices include berries, melons, apples, and pears.

Is Cucumber good for blood type O?

Yes, cucumber is considered a good food for blood type O positive

Can Type O Blood Eat Rice?

The Blood Type O Positive diet suggests that grains, including rice, can be challenging to digest due to lectins that may trigger inflammation. However, some people with blood type O tolerate small amounts of rice without issues. It’s recommended to experiment and observe your body’s reaction.

Is milk good for O positive?

The Blood Type O Positive diet suggests limiting cow’s milk (can be inflammatory for some) and processed dairy products. Fermented dairy like yogurt and some cheeses might be tolerated in moderation.

Is potato good for blood type O?

Similar to grains, white potatoes are discouraged in the Blood Type O Positive diet. Sweet potatoes can be consumed in moderation.

Is banana good for O positive?

Bananas are a higher glycemic fruit. While not entirely off-limits, the Blood Type O Positive diet suggests prioritizing low-glycemic fruits like berries and melons.

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